With storm intensity and incidence increasing as the weather becomes more unpredictable, it becomes a priority for homeowners to invest in siding that can protect homes. While aesthetics and home protection are the dual objectives, the latter is perhaps more important in today’s environment. People residing in areas that experience wet and humid climates have enough reasons to worry about home protection. To protect the home exterior from the harsh elements of nature, the best way is to clad homes with siding that has sufficient weather resistant properties. When you create a cladding for your home, the siding becomes the first line of defense that bears the brunt of the abuse. In fact, the siding can make a world of difference between comfortable and worry-free living and worrisome existence with costly home repairs.
Moisture is the biggest enemy of siding because most sidings fail due to moisture absorption that makes the siding material warp or bends and rip off from the frame. Trapped moisture and too much dampness can create havoc in homes as it quickly infiltrates into the exterior walls and weakens wood, ruins insulation and ultimately leading to mold growth inside homes. People living in wet and humid climates must stay alert about protecting homes from moisture by preventing its exposure and penetration across the house because of the prevailing threats of a damp and moist environment. The problem aggravates in rainy seasons when the sun hardly makes its appearance.
Protecting homes from moisture while living in moisture-prone areas can be quite challenging, and you must pay special attention in choosing the siding material for your home. Knowing siding materials that can perform well in a wet and humid climate will give you an edge in selecting the best material that suits your budget. Paying attention to the details to know about its suitability will help to make the proper selection. Your siding options and best materials will become clear as you go through this article.
Vinyl siding – the all-rounder siding material
Vinyl is a versatile material and is considered amongst the best siding options for homes. The popularity of Vinyl siding is undisputed across the world and is especially popular across North America except for regions that face the harshest climates. For those who are looking for budget-friendly siding materials, there is nothing better than Vinyl that can meet the expectations of homeowners in protecting homes. PVC or polyvinyl chloride or vinyl in popular parlance is waterproof and not only dispels water but also prevents moisture absorption. No moisture can penetrate through vinyl surfaces no matter how long it remains exposed to it. But the chances of cracking and warping are high as compared to other materials. The choice of vinyl is good for areas that experience high rain but less heat because if the heat is too much, it can damage and disfigure vinyl. Even the slightest damage of siding that often escapes notice can be very harmful as moisture will pass through it and damage the building structure.
A high point about vinyl is that it needs the least maintenance except for periodical washing to clean the surface. But to think that it is the best material for stable exterior would be a mistake because there are some other materials which despite being costly can perform better.
Modified wood siding
Modified wood siding is an affordable option for those who are opposed to high spending on natural wood siding that also entails high maintenance. Modified wood siding is an improvement on vinyl siding and even fiber cement siding and creates the perfect and flawless looks. Modified wood is no different from natural wood because it is a real wood product with special properties not found in natural wood. Modified wood is better than natural wood in many respects by virtue of the special properties imparted to it by using a bio-based liquid and special drying process to produce super tough planking that possesses the hardness and resilience of tropical hardwood. You can use this siding for any outdoor construction, but when used as home siding it looks simply stunning.
Modified wood has exceptional water resisting properties, and like vinyl requires very little maintenance. The modified wood boards are so dense that it enhances the waterproofing properties and makes it the perfect choice for use in areas that experience too much rainfall and have high humidity. Its use is more convenient because it requires no surface treatments except occasional cleaning and is good for use in all kinds of weather.
Fiber cement siding
Fiber cement is a composite material that has a high demand in wet and humid areas. The toughest material among all siding materials it is also capable of withstanding the fury of nature in areas that experience frequent storms and hurricanes. The material is so versatile in its weather resistant properties that it can withstand almost anything that nature thrusts upon it, be it rain, hail, snow or storm. The material is available in a wide range of colors and textures, and you can even find wood like textures if you choose faux wood grain finish. Despite its versatile performance, fiber cement siding lacks in its looks that are far from appealing. It takes a longer time to install fiber cement siding and is heavy too.
Wood siding made from Western Red Cedar
Although wood does not have water resistant properties, Western Red Cedar is the only wood that possesses it, and you can use it for siding in wet and humid climates. The oils in the wood that contribute to the water resisting properties also add an aroma to it. The oils and tannins in Western Red Cedar make it different from other wood species by making it resistant to insect and fungal attacks that cause decay.
Red Cedar siding looks awesome but it requires you to do some hard work and spend money to maintain it well. The wood needs some surface treatments to enhance its water resisting properties that require renewal after 3 to 5 years with the lower limit applicable for wet areas. Any slack in maintenance can seriously damage the siding.