waste disposal

Best ways to manage a yard full of junk

garden junk

Junk is not something to look forward to. Be it in your home, office, construction place or your yard. You cannot give a shelter to junk. It is a big hindrance to cleanliness and ultimately can affect your health. Especially if the junk is in an open yard. It invites pests, insects, mosquitoes and many

How to properly dispose of waste after gardening

garden waste

There are proper ways of getting rid of your garden waste that won’t get you in trouble with your city council and that, more importantly, will not harm the environment. If you’re a gardener, landscaper, or simply a homeowner with no idea what to do with your organic garden waste, read on for our tips

What to do with your garden waste

garden waste

Whilst gardening is typically seen as quite an environmentally-friendly activity, the reality is that even we gardeners produce our fair share of waste. In the past much of this was either burned on a bonfire or was piled into garbage bags for landfill. These days, however, whether we’re getting rid of grass clippings or felled