guest authors

3 things you must know before choosing an outdoor water feature

water features

If you’re looking for a unique element to enhance your garden, you’d be hard-pressed to find something more pristine and beautiful than outdoor water features. It can be the perfect complement to your garden or outdoor area, and the sound of running water immediately creates a soothing and nature-like atmosphere. But choosing the right feature

Exploring the benefits of adding art to your home


If you speak with any interior designer that has a background in arts, they will tell you that artwork can be one of the more important aspects of a room. In fact, many interior designers find it to be the most important element of any room. With that being said, why is art so important

I want a beautiful urban garden, but how?

urban gardens

That is exactly the most common problem for someone whose own a house in the city. It may be true that urban people do not have a flair for handling living plants but lack of designs; poor soil preparation and the use of unsuitable plant material are mostly responsible for failure of gardens in crowded

How you can keep weeds out of your garden

Weed killer

Tired of weeds constantly sprouting up and wreaking havoc on your beautiful garden? Do you find yourself doing all you can to get rid of them, but with no success? If you answered “yes” to either or both of these questions, then you are not alone. Weeds are the ultimate bane for every gardener out

5 interior trends you can easily add to your home

interior trends

With a new year, new interior design trends emerge. Keeping on trend with interiors can be hard with seasons and styles ever-changing. From kitchen cabinets to flooring, interior trends can be expensive to keep up with, but making your home stylish and on trend can be made easy with these little home add-ons. Stay in