
Big ideas for small gardens

small gardens

A lot of people think that when they have a smaller garden, it places a serious limit on what they can do with the space. Despite what you may have heard, a smaller garden doesn’t need to be a crutch on the garden’s comfort and uniqueness. Before we move on, a great quick win for

How to make your own compost


Making your own compost sounds like a lot of hassle, especially when it is readily available to buy in garden centres and DIY stores. However, there are plenty of reasons to start your own compost pile. Not only is it cheaper than buying a ready-mix, but composting will also reduce your refuse waste, saving you

Six steps to creating a beautiful garden without extra work


Want to create a beautiful garden, without a huge amount of work? These tips are here to help you do just that. 1. Take it one step at a time You don’t have to start with a huge garden you can’t cater to properly. By keeping your cottage garden small until you become more experienced,

Top 5 ways to keep your greenhouse warm


If you’re feeling cold in these winter months, maybe it’s time to turn the heat up…in your greenhouse! Greenhouse heating will protect your precious plants from becoming ice pops and keep your young plants snug and warm until spring. Heating your greenhouse will open up a whole new world of winter gardening! But heating a

How to create the ultimate outdoor living space

outdoor living space

We all lead such busy lives these days, making it all the more important to find the time and space to relax when we get the chance. When looking to create that perfect chill-out zone, don’t just look indoors; your garden can be a great place to retreat to and socialise in. It doesn’t matter

Start preparing your garden for Spring

Winter prep for a Spring garden

The middle of Winter may not seem like the most obvious time to get work in your garden, but there’s plenty you can do to get a head start before Spring. This new infographic by our friends at Craig Manor Hotel is full of useful tips to help you get your garden in good working

How do you solve a problem like Japanese knotweed?

Japanese knotweed

Japanese knotweed is a highly invasive ornamental garden plant introduced to Britain by the Victorians in the 1800s. It’s almost impossible to control and eradicate and can cause serious damage to buildings, car parks and asphalt driveways by exploiting cracks and weaknesses.

How to protect oak furniture from sunlight damage

Conservatory furniture

Oak is one of the most popular materials for conservatory furniture. It combines elegance, affordability and longevity. However, oak furniture, when it is exposed to sunlight for long periods of time, such as in a home conservatory, can easily be damaged if it is not properly cared for. If oak furniture is used in a

Thinking about planting trees? Read this first

Planting trees

If you’re planning to plant a tree or two, read on to learn about some of the more common mistakes and also to find out some tips to help your planting become a success. Dig a big-enough hole This might seem like a no-brainer, but a common error is to dig a hole that is