
How can I invite wildlife into my garden?


Our gardens have a number of different purposes. They’re a space to relax, to entertain and spend time with family and friends. They’re somewhere for our children and pets to play, or where we can make ourselves busy growing herbs or looking after flowers. However, our gardens are also somewhere we can help wildlife. Since

Low cost ways to improve your garden

ways to improve your garden

When most people think about renovating their home, they invariably forget to include their garden into the mix. A garden is effectively another room of your house that is there to be enjoyed and if you put a little investment of time and money into it, it could be the peaceful outdoor retreat you always

6 top maintenance tips for your wooden garage doors

garage doors

Popular for their durable qualities and stylish appearance, wooden garage doors are well worth the money. But it’s a good idea to carry out regular maintenance, as wood takes a beating when exposed to the summer sun and winter’s icy-cold, damp conditions. In this article, we share 6 top tips to help you maintain your

The pros and cons of natural swimming pools

natural swimming pool

Is there anything more relaxing and more fun than swimming in a pool in the comfort of your backyard? But here we aren’t talking about a conventional pool full of chemicals, we’re talking about natural swimming pools. In case you are ready to get your hands dirty and you love DIY projects, then you will

Your summer garden makeover

summer garden

At last summer is here and we can get outside. The garden becomes part of our home once more and not just the place that you store the bins! Is your garden looking a little sorry for itself after the long winter months? It’s time to get your gardening gloves on and give it a

Low cost gardening accessories that add value to your garden

garden accessories

Your garden – a colourful oasis of calm, a place of retreat to and enjoyment, delighting in everything that nature has to offer. You want it to look fantastic and there are many ways of doing this from plant choices to accessories. But some of these accessories come at a price but seem to offer

How to find out if underfloor heating is the best option for your home

underfloor heating

Underfloor heating offers many advantages in the modern home. Easy to use, minimal maintenance and with the ability to control heat to within half a degree with a smart thermostat, it is an increasingly popular heating system. But with so many underfloor heating kits on the market today, it can be a tough choice deciding

How to secure and monitor your garden – The smart way

home security

Most of us are somewhat aware of the smart home and how it can make our lives easier, but what about the outside of our homes? The truth is securing and monitoring our gardens is a bit of an afterthought if it’s thought about at all. Would it surprise you to know that making the

Planning to create your own garden workshop shed? Here’s how

garden shed

Are you planning to create your own garden workshop shed? Before buying any materials, take the time to make a blueprint plan with measurements. Do you know what will be stored in the shed? Large items like a garden tractor and a wheelbarrow can take up some space. What size will you need? You need

A guide to garden LED lights

garden lights

If you’re lucky enough to have a garden to enjoy, make sure that it’s set up in a way that you can enjoy it and relax in it at different times of the day.  Having the right lighting LED system that’s energy efficient and that enhances the environment is going to pull you out of