Pests to Look Out for In the UK In Autumn & Winter 2024

As the cold weather settles in and summer comes to a close, we need to be mindful of the pests that come with changing seasons.

With the shift in weather, different pests become active. Some thrive in cooler temperatures, while others seek warmth and shelter in our homes. It’s wise to be aware of what you might encounter as the seasons change.

While many pests can be problematic year-round, certain seasonal factors, such as weather conditions and increased flooding, can influence their populations and activity levels. Given the unpredictable nature of weather patterns and the rise in extreme weather events, the list below is not exhaustive.

Regardless of the time of the year, or which pests you are visited by, you can buy DIY pest control products that are effective in eradicating any unwanted guests.

Rats and Mice

Rats and mice are persistent pests throughout the year, but seasonal changes can exacerbate their presence. As temperatures drop, these rodents seek warmer shelter, leading them to infest homes, businesses, and outbuildings.

During this time, their natural food sources diminish as vegetation loses its leaves and fruit, and insects begin to hibernate. Consequently, they often scavenge for alternative food sources such as leftover food in bins, seeds in bird feeders, or even food inside homes and businesses.

The loss of vegetation also reduces their natural hiding spots (like hedges and garden plants), forcing them to find safer travel routes near buildings, such as through man- made infrastructure like pipes.

Additionally, the increased risk of flooding, especially in recent times, poses various challenges for these rodents. Flooding can destroy their nests and debris that provide shelter, effectively flushing them out. It also causes sewer overflows (common rat habitats) and wipes out remaining food sources, making waste food in bins even more appealing.

Indirectly, flooding can wash away waste from collection areas and delay garbage pickups, both of which can create more hospitable environments for rodents.

If you do encounter rodents on your property, there are various methods to get rid of them, such as rat poison and/or rat and mice traps.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a problem year-round. One primary way they enter your home is by hitching a ride on your clothes, luggage, or belongings.

During the summer, when people are more active — traveling for vacations or enjoying nights out in warmer weather — the chances of picking up bed bugs increase significantly. The effects can then be felt as we enter Autumn.


If you believe that wasps will be all gone by the time you have your last BBQ, you’d be wrong. Whilst they struggle in colder temperatures, wasps breed throughout the summer, and by autumn they can reach their peak numbers.

As insect populations decline when the temperatures start to drop (which wasps hunt during summer), these pests search for alternative food sources, like sugars in fermented fruits that become abundant in gardens at this time of year.

In addition, with reproduction slowing down in autumn, worker wasps have more time to forage for food, which can make them more aggressive as supplies dwindle and daylight hours shorten.

Moreover, wasps are attracted to light (like flies), which is why you might find them in your home during autumn. As the days get shorter and sunlight diminishes, they tend to gravitate towards indoor lighting.

Cluster Flies

Cluster flies begin entering homes in autumn to hibernate and emerge again in spring. They often gather in large numbers in areas not frequented by residents, such as attics.

Although they may not be bothersome if hibernating in seldom-visited areas, it’s best to manage them while they are still dormant. Taking preventive measures to keep them out of your home (which can be challenging) is a good idea since they become active again in spring, turning into a real nuisance. Given their tendency to gather in large clusters, their presence should not be underestimated.

Their larvae feed on earthworms, which are more abundant during wet years, so cluster fly populations may rise during periods of higher rainfall.


As temperatures decrease, spiders will seek shelter and warmth inside homes. It’s important to remember that native UK spider species are generally harmless and can actually help control fly populations. Nonetheless, many people have a common fear of spiders and so need to be on the look out for them.

If you are unsure on the type of spide you are dealing with, always ere on the side of caution and contact a professional pest controller.


Whilst various pest species can be problematic throughout the year, many become more active or are drawn closer to humans during the autumn and winter months as temperatures fall.

Factors such as limited food supplies, extreme weather conditions, natural hibernation patterns, and the search for warmth and shelter all contribute to pest activity. With climate change making these factors more unpredictable, it’s essential to remain vigilant.

Regardless of the season, keeping an eye out for unwanted visitors is crucial for safeguarding human health and ensuring peace of mind. In autumn and winter, pay particular attention to rats, mice, bed bugs, wasps, cluster flies, and spiders.

If you do encounter any of these pests, you can buy DIY pest control products that are effective in controlling and eradicating any unwanted guests. Always remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and industry guidelines.