Sofa beds are truly one of life’s great pleasures. These handy little pieces of furnishing can serve two extremely important functions. Not only do they provide you will a suitable place to sit during the day and evening hours, but at night the can make for a relaxing sleeping place. However, due to their versatility and practicality sofa beds are without a doubt one of the most abused pieces of furniture in the home. They get stepped on, set on, jumped on, and soak up spilled liquids. If you want your sofa bed to last and serve its purposes for years to come, you are going to need to learn to clean it and care for it.
Here’s What You Are Going To Need
Of course, cleaning and caring for your sofa bed won’t come without a price. There are going to be certain things that you will need to make this task achievable, but these are probably already things that you have around the home. First, you are going to need a vacuum cleaner with some brush and hose attachments. Next, you are going to need mild soap, rags, and upholstery shampoo or dry-cleaning solvent.
Getting Started
The first thing you will want to do is remove the cushions form the sofa bed. If you do not the sofa every day then you might want to look around under the cushions for loose items or change that has fallen into the cracks over the years. Once you are all set from here you can go ahead and remove any slipcovers that might be installed on the cushions. Be sure to pay close attention to see if there are any dry cleaning labels. This will be common with suede, velvet, or other delicate materials. It means that these slipcovers can only be dry-cleaned. When shopping for quality sofa beds, this will be something that you want to consider. The site is host to a variety of eloquent and fashionable sofa bed designs.
Continuing With The Cleaning
Go ahead and throw any slipcovers in the washing machine that are applicable and pull out the bed. Remove the comforter and other bedclothes so that they can be machine washed as well. Once you have the washing machine going, you can go ahead and vacuum the surface of the mattress using the brush attachment. If there are any stains, you can tackle them with the mild soap and cloths. Let the area dry before moving on and fold the bed back up.
Cleaning The Cushions
Now, place the cushions back on the sofa bed and attack them with the brush attachment. Be sure to flip them over and get both sides. If there are any stains, you can tackle those with the shampoo or dry-cleaning solvent. Be sure to also attack the deep creases and crevices of the body of the sofa with the hose attachment. You can even take things a step further and run a damp cloth over the metal or wood surfaces of the legs and body of the bed. Once all the bedclothes are dried just simply reassemble everything and you are done.