As the seasons change so does the need for selected items of furniture, especially outdoor items. It is important that you protect your outdoor furniture during the winter months from rain, snow or whatever else the elements throw at you.
The following four tips provide guidelines on how to best protect, care and store your seasonal furniture:
1. Clean your seasonal furniture regularly
No matter what material it’s made out of, all outdoor furniture needs to be cleaned on a regular basis and repaired before storing it away. Extending the lifespan of the furniture while maintaining high quality should be your number one priority. Dirty furniture attracts pests and creates mould. Make use of various cleaning detergents in order to prevent any damage. Ensure the furniture is properly dry before putting away, especially the cushions.
2. Find a storage space to rent
Sometimes there is simply no space in the home to store your seasonal furniture for a variety of reasons. Self storage is a safe and secure place to store your excess belongings. Utilising such a storage space comes with many benefits such as affordability, flexibility, a variety of different sized unit options, easy accessibility and of course security. Chances are there is a self storage facility around the corner from you, and what better way to store and protect your seasonal furniture over the winter months.
3. Protect your seasonal furniture
Protecting your furniture obviously means that it will last longer and stay in better condition. Make use of various covers and strong materials to protect your furniture. These include bubble wrap, old blankets, sheets or towels, plastic covers for cushions, packing paper for any glass and sealing tap.
4. Disassemble furniture to make for easier storing
For any furniture of yours that you can disassemble, ensure to do so as this will make for easier storing. However, when you pack it away, make sure to group the broken-up furniture together so nothing gets lost along the way. Otherwise, you may be left with a three-legged table. Therefore, store together and clearly label each part so you can easily locate them for reassembling in the new season.
These four tips will help you to store and protect your seasonal furniture the right way and ensure many years of creating memories with family outdoors.
About the Author
Sandra Morris writes for leading UK self storage company Storage King, offering insight and tips into home improvement and how best to leverage property value, specifically for first-time buyers. A writer by day and a reader by night, Sandra is passionate about sharing her property and self storage knowledge to making a positive contribution to people’s homes and their investment returns.