If you’re hosting a large gathering to celebrate Family Day, you may want to consider updating the furniture in your home before having your loved ones over. Most people only replace their furniture if a piece of furniture breaks, which occurs every seven to ten years on average. New furniture, however, can give your home new life by making the space feel fresh and up to date; it doesn’t have to exclusively be matter of functionality. Aesthetics are, indeed, an important part of what makes a house feel like a home.
Furniture can become unclean and uncomfortable with age. In fact, dust mites that feed off of dead skin cells and dander from pets can even cause health issues and exacerbate symptoms of allergies and asthma. These mites can be found in sofas, chairs, ottomans, curtains, and other home décor. Updating your furniture won’t only make your home or apartment feel more comfortable and sophisticated, it can also impact your health – and the well-being of guests – in a positive way.
When looking for new furniture, it is important to keep in mind what you want the space to feel and look like. For example, it’s difficult to choose between modern and traditional sofas which, in their own respective ways, have a lot to offer –while the former could completely rejuvenate the look of a musky, old living room, the latter offers a sleek, grandiose vintage style that is hard come by in this age of minimalist aesthetics.
And yet, if you have a small space, functional furniture becomes almost a necessity. Luckily, durable and comfortable furniture is easier to find than ever before. Things like sofa beds have become more stylish over the years. With uniquely designed items of furniture, you do not have to make any sacrifices in order to have a well-designed space.
You may be concerned about how updating your furniture could impact the environment, but you should know that Canada has a handful very eco- friendly furniture companies, each of which use materials like soybean cushioning (which is known as green seating) to decrease our dependency on the fossil fuels that are used by other companies. Some furniture brands also take part in recycling programs in order to help lower their carbon foot print even more significantly.
While you are debating between modern and traditional sofas, you should also decide between leather and non-leather furniture. Leather furniture can last longer and be more stain resistant than furniture made without leather. Leather is also easier to clean than furniture made of other materials. On average a leather sofa could last for between ten and fifteen years if it is cared for properly. Many stores and manufacturers offer warranties on their products. You do not have to worry about paying to replace a broken piece. No doubt, your furniture is an investment and you want it to last – while a large family gathering may inspired this new purchase, its benefits will carry over for many years to come.