When you consider the many suburbs that surround all of our cities, landscaping services are in high demand, as families decide to transform their exterior living space with a professionally designed landscaped garden. The typical urban landscaper would spend some of his time maintaining, while he would also undertake landscaping projects and having a good supply of advanced plants, hedges and shrubs is essential. The typical homeowner wants trees and shrubs in the advanced stage of growth and that’s where the wholesale nursery comes in, as they have reared and cared for a wide range of species that are in the prime of life and ready to be planted.
Design and Create
When the landscape designer visits a potential client, he wants to have an extensive catalogue of advanced trees and plants to show the client, and by using a wholesale nursery, the landscaping contractor can always source advanced stage fauna and flora. It might be a row or two of conifers or perhaps some border greenery for a waterfall, and as the nursery supplies the trade, prices are considerably lower than retail.
Popular Enterprise
Indeed, of all the new businesses that start up in Australia, landscape gardening is very high on the list. The high demand for urban landscaping has encouraged young people to get together and form a company to service the many suburbs. Aside from new build projects – of which there are many – the landscaper would be contracted to maintain many of their customers’ gardens and tree and shrub replacement would often be required. If you have recently started your own gardening maintenance business and are looking for a wholesale nursery, an online search will lead you to an established supplier.
Giving Customers Choices
Most homeowners know little about landscaping and with an extensive catalogue of advanced trees, hedges and shrubs, your customers can browse the many example images and select something just right. If you are not involved in the landscaping industry, you might wonder how the landscape contractor turns up with a truck load of advanced trees that are in pristine condition. The answer lies in the wholesale nursery who supplies many small businesses and their operation would be on a very large scale, with many acres of land where their products are grown. Typically, a large tree would be acquired at about 3 years old, while smaller trees like conifers and hedge varieties would come fully grown, which is ideal for planting a new garden.
Range of Species
Container grown products include the following:
- Native Australian Species
- Hedging Species
- Deciduous Trees
- Evergreen Trees
- Conifers
- Flowering Shrubs
The wholesale nursery would grow in containers and with at least 20 acres of land, their inventory would be extensive. An established wholesale nursery would likely supply to interstate customers and they would also supply government departments with public highway tree and shrub needs.
Online Catalogue
Not every landscaper has the time to visit the trade nursery and most would browse the species varieties on the supplier’s website, and they can also order online, which again saves time. Having this service available makes things much easier, as time is money and you no longer need to drive out to the nursery and your online order will be delivered to the site.
Online Plant Finder
Technology allows for a comprehensive online database of different species and the online plant finder makes sourcing specific items easy. The contractor simply needs a list of the items he requires and using the online plant finder, he can proceed to order everything he needs and with a secure online payment, the greenery will be delivered to the desired address.
Without such suppliers, landscape gardeners would not be able to carry out their duties and next time you see a truck load of trees on the road, the chances are they are being delivered to a local landscaping contractor.