Looking to maximize space without having to add extra furniture to gain that space? Or maybe you are looking to maximize space but don’t know how? No matter your project – commercial or residential, did you know using something like a flushed drywall access panel or a plaster access panel, you can create that storage you thought seemed impossible.
Access panels come in various material makes, and it is for this reason that they can be both subtle and aesthetically appealing. Depending on the material, they can also be a great low-cost solution. Whether you are looking to have it flushed or as a valve box, they can most definitely create extra storage space in areas that almost seem impossible to create space.
Finding Space in Impossible Places
Hallways, kitchens and even bathrooms can be problematic when it comes to finding space that seems non-existent. For some contractors, the project becomes about finding or creating enough storage for the client while still maintaining the aesthetic appeal they seek. Sometimes, when you are already limited in space, it seems as though that storage merely is out of the question; however, with an access panel, storage even in the most inconvenient and subtle of places can be turned into storage. Access panels can use space typically concealed by a wall and maximized for storage purposes. Typically access panels have been used to hide valves and pipes; however, contractors can, depending on the location create storage space for things such as linens and towels or even random oddities that need to be accessed but, on a need be basis.
When we think of hallways, sometimes we presume there to be some form of storage space, or instead, due to its sometimes narrowness, storage is hard to create. While we may find hooks and hangers which can create storage, this isn’t always convenient. It can sometimes also feel like clutter when we add these hooks and dressers as a means of storage. With concealed drywall access panels, a hallway can remain clutter free. Not to mention, we are now maximizing what is otherwise not utilized, the wall or possible floor as a means of storage space. Those who are unaware of the benefits of an access panel, they may think that panels only come in standard sizes; however, some companies can customize a panel to suit any client or contractor’s needs.
Enhancing Space with Access Panels
Feel that a panel might make a room seem empty or maybe that you aren’t sure if an access panel is an ideal choice for a storage solution? One can use a combination of built-in shelves and enhance the unit with the installation of an access panel. Whether it’s a panel that is flushed and concealed behind drywall or plaster or one that is apparent, and aesthetically visual. Access panels can enhance an existing space to meet the needs of a client – especially when it comes to creating more storage space.
For example, utility rooms can most definitely benefit from the installation of an access panel, not to mention can it be a space of a room that can also benefit from storage space. The access panel market often has an array of panels to suit the needs of a contractor and client. From ones that are meant to create storage to ones that act as a means of soundproofing, insulating or enhancing security through steel or fire-proofing. The access panel is versatile and can truly enhance any space – commercial or residential.
In the context of storage space, which can sometimes be hard to acquire, access panels can create this illusion of nothing while providing a storage solution. Not only do access panels create a storage solution but they can still be aesthetically appealing if not act as though nothing is there. Who says storage comes in the form of wardrobes and closets? Storage solutions can come in plastic, plaster, drywall or steel access panel form.
As a client don’t shy away from the many possibilities that access panel has to offer, more importantly, don’t be afraid to speak with a specialist to get all the questions and to see how they can help you fix your storage problems. To see what kind of access panels are available in the market, why not check out online providers like Best Access Doors and Access Doors and Panels who can provide insight on a market they excess and thrive in!