Gardening & Landscaping

Five ways to control ticks in your lawn


We all know how unpleasant these blood-sucking insects can be, they bear Lyme disease, exposing you and your pets to this disease. Eliminating a tick infestation will imply most frequently finding the common areas tick likes example your pets, house, and yard. I advise that you start with your pets and home, then your yard. Failure to handle all three

How to choose the best cardinal bird feeder

bird feeder

Humans for many years were solely concerned about their survival. Every action taken by us was aimed at making our lives better in one way or another. In the recent past, we have however begun to realize that we cannot live on this planet alone as we can see in this article here. We have

The 5 best potted plants to compliment your garden furniture

potted plants

Gardening is the favorite pastime of many homeowners. Whether you have a basic garden with a few flowers, veggies, or fruits, or you have a bigger garden with a pergola or furniture in it, there’s nothing like spending some quality time to yourself in a garden. For homeowners who have bigger gardens with furniture in

6 tips for winterizing your yard

winter gardening

As winter comes, there are some important steps you need to take to prepare your yard. From preparing your plants and grass to winterizing the pool, these steps will make sure your yard is ready for another year. Mow the Lawn As summer comes to and end and winter is in sight, you need to

Why choose an oak framed pergola or gazebo for your garden?

oak-framed pergola

Although many homeowners focus on the interior of their house when renovating or having recently acquired a home, the exterior features of your property can be just as important for the aesthetic of your house. Pergolas and gazebos can provide you with a space to relax, have fun, and can look beautiful as the central

An expert guide to choosing outdoor furniture

outdoor furniture

Your outdoor space deserves your equal attention just like your indoor one, and when it comes to choosing furniture, you should be very careful on what you are buying because that will affect the overall look of your house. You see, your garden and your patio are what people see first when they enter your

How do you move your garden when you move to a new home?

front garden

Have you just bought a new home but don’t want to leave your garden behind? Just because you’re moving house doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to your favorite plants as well. Moving your garden to a new landscape is a delicate operation that will require lots of time and energy, but it can

How to create an eco-friendly garden

eco-friendly gardening

We put a lot of effort into saving energy in our homes – whether it’s choosing energy efficient light bulbs, keeping your house well-insulated or switching off appliances – but how much thought do we put into saving energy in the garden? A new infographic designed by Mainland Aggregates suggests 5 simple gardening hacks that

How to create your own Japanese garden

Japanese garden

Japanese gardens are designed to provide a space of relaxation and meditation, and creating your own is an authentic route to an idyllic outdoor space. If you’re planning to create your own Japanese garden, this guide includes a summary of the different types you can take inspiration from, a few ‘how to’ steps on actually

How to mow your lawn like a pro on your first attempt

mowing lawn

You don’t need to be an expert to mow your garden by the book. Even if you’re new to this kind of activity, experience comes with time. Moreover, everything is about planning. Some people trim edges first, while others focus on mowing first and trimming after. Assuming that you have the right type of mower