Your bathroom can give you a momentary piece of solitude as you unwind in a nice hot bath. It’s also the place where you get ready for an exciting day ahead or relax and wash away the stresses of the day with a long shower.
This is why bathrooms are so much more than just another room in your house. It’s also the reason that we pay so much time and attention to designing and decorating this space to create something functional but also beautiful and tranquil.
So if you are renovating or redesigning your bathroom this year, you want to get it just right, even down to the finest detail.
But if you want to stay on top of the latest trends or to get some inspiration for creating the perfect space, you need to know where to go.
The good news is there are lots of places you can go for creative ideas and inspiration for your dream bathroom, and we’re going to share these with you below.
The first and perhaps one of the most obvious places to start getting ideas and perhaps even choose your new bathroom suite is the showroom. There are lots of specialist bathroom providers and home improvement retailers out there that use these showrooms to display the latest and greatest in bathroom design.
A walk around one of these bathroom showrooms will quickly reveal a whole host of ideas and, better still can give you an idea of what the components look like in real life. This is something you don’t get when you look at an image, and it can make it much easier to imagine and design your space in the most effective way.
During your visit, you’ll also have the chance to speak with specialists in the industry, ask questions and get advice, as well as get a rough estimate of costs.
Plus, there are often brochures that you can take away from the showroom with you to browse when you get back home.
Next up, you have magazines. There are lots of different ones out there that can help you, starting with trade magazines. These are specifically tailored to the bathroom industry and those looking to renovate their space. Often these will include more detail and more options than some of the more generic publications. You could even include the aforementioned brochures in this category.
Then you have the wider home inspiration and renovation magazines that can help you to start building an idea of the style of suite you like, tiling, colour schemes, mirrors, flooring, lightin, wall art and other important accessories.
This could even inspire you when it comes to the finer details, such as plants, pictures, bath mats, bins, toilet roll holders, etc. All the smaller items that will help to bring your bathroom together. So it’s a nice idea to gather a selection of different magazines to peruse, and you can label or stick tabs on those pages that inspire you.
This one is a big one, and it is a tool that so many people use for decorating their homes, curating ideas and also sharing these with other people. Yes, we’re talking about Pinterest.
If you don’t already have an account, these are really quick and easy to set up, and you can get started right away. You’ll be able to build boards for the different aspects of your bathroom. For example, you might wish to create a board for different tiles and another board for different bathroom suites.
You could also have a board for different accessories, and you can save pictures directly from retailer’s websites so that you can easily find and purchase these products at a later date.
Pinterest is great because it is really easy to use, you can find out more details about what other people are doing and how, and you can revisit these images as many times as you like. As the name suggests, it’s like a virtual pinboard that you can carry around with you in your pocket and continually keep adding to from literally thousands of ideas and images.
You may already have Pinterest, or this may not be your thing, but either way, it’s not the only thing on the Internet that can inspire your brand-new bathroom.
A simple Google search will also throw up thousands of results and potential ideas. You can browse google images, relevant blog posts and articles from bathroom retailers or providers. By doing this, you can also start to shop around and get an idea of how much your chosen style is going to cost you.
What’s more, you can make your searches as broad or specific as you like; for example, you could start by searching ‘bathroom inspiration 2023’. Then as you begin to finalise some of the bigger aspects and drill down into the smaller details, you can start to refine your searches. By this, we mean running more specific search terms such as ‘best bathroom plants’ or ‘blue bathroom tiles’.
This will help you to build up a bigger picture and start to gather ideas. You can even start ordering parts as soon as you have your heart set on a particular product, idea or colour scheme.
Other people’s houses
Our final suggestion on the list and something that can be a little bit trickier is taking inspiration from other people’s houses. Of course, this will limit you somewhat because you will only be able to visit and take inspiration from the homes of people you know, and you may have seen the bathroom a thousand times already.
But next time you visit your best friend, parents, neighbour or old school friend, take note of the colours and accessories in their bathroom and see if there’s anything you particularly like.
This also applies when using the bathroom in restaurants, bars, department stores and retail establishments because you never know when you’re going to see something great that you absolutely want in your own home.
So always be on the lookout as you often find inspiration around every corner.