When picking an arborist you should not only go for a good arborist but a certified arborist. It is important to find an arborist who is knowledgeable about the care and maintenance of trees.
A wrong choice can lead to injuries and damage property and therefore you need to pick an arborist with the right training and level of expertise. Here are five tips to guide you in choosing a good arborist.
Check certification
Most certified arborists have a high level of knowledge with regard to trees and environmental safety standards. Choose an arborist who is certified and knows how to safely trim, prune and cut trees without posing danger to either their own safety or your property.
Ask if they have a certificate to determine if they are fit or the job. They should have certificates displaying their skills and knowledge of using machines and tools such as wood chippers or chainsaws.
The certification will ensure that they are aware of the OSHA and ISA standards and can handle the task, leaving you in peace from knowing that all will be well. A certification is also a sign of commitment to their job and it guarantees you that they will work with professionalism and quality.
Check the equipment
Find out which type of equipment will be used for the job to determine if they are using the proper equipment. The arborist should also have the right safety gear such as wear hard hats, chainsaw chaps and eye and ear protection to avoid accidents and serious injuries to themselves or damage to your trees.
Level of services
By finding an arborist who can provide you with the highest level of service, you will be assured of the best treatment for your trees. It is not about trimming or cutting your tree, but maintaining a safe environment and a professional arborist who offers quality services is aware of the impact of tees towards the environment. Arborist services like Taylors Trees provide quality tree service for your tree, leaving it healthy, well-trimmed and maintained.
Make inquiries
A certified and well-experienced arborist knows how to effectively trim and take care of your trees without damaging neither the trees nor the property within the surrounding area. Check to see if the company has reliable professionals who can work on your property without posing any safety risks and how good their services are.
Check the level of experience
Find out for how long the company has been in the industry and the level of experience of its employees. The arborist you pick should know more about tree services such as tree lopping and how to perform the task.
The arborist should also have public liability insurance for you to be sure that you are dealing with a legit and ideal company. This makes the entire process easier, especially in relation to environmental safety measures and regulations.
Do not go to a single arborist and pick them right away. Having conducted your research, compare more than one arborist looking at their work ethics, level of experience, costs, quality of service among other factors deciding on the right pick. Settle on a company or an individual with a good record.