We aren’t all lucky enough to have a natural instinct for fashion and style. That’s why the experts exist, so they can tell us what’s hot and what’s not. Even if you aren’t fully informed or up to speed with the latest fashions, it’s okay. There are tips in this article that’ll have you and your home appearing more fashionable and chic.
Smells Matter
When decorating your home or getting ready for a big night out, don’t forget that scents matter. It could be something as simple as your delicious cooking when guests arrive or a beautifully scented candle. When you’re getting ready for the day or a night out, be sure to have a signature scent to wear that’s special to you. Go throughout your home and confirm there are enough scents in each space and room of the house. It’s an important touch that’ll be noticed by those in your home.
Add Color
Bring color to your outfits and your home for a more fashionable and chic appearance. Everything doesn’t have to be black and white. A bold splash of color here and there is good. An element of surprise or a dramatic look will get the attention of the onlooker in a positive way. This also means adding color to your food for a healthier diet and color to your garden for an uplifting vibe. Bingo Blooms is a fun game you can play to test your knowledge about flowers and gardening. You can become a planting expert and learn what flowers you should plant during which time of the year and the best places to put each flower in your garden.
Your home décor and jewelry are excellent ways to accessorize and spice up your space and wardrobe. In your home you’ll want to make sure you’re decorating tables, corners and mantels. Decorative pillows for your couches or plants are perfect ways to accessorize without going overboard. The same goes for your outfits. Pick a focus and keep the other pieces minimal. Doing too much will appear gaudy and you’ll lose the chic factor. Do more with less and still be able to make a statement that’s fashionable.
Clean & Maintain
Clean your home often and be sure to upkeep the space on a regular basis. It’s important to make sure everything’s in its place and put away. A tidy home is a fashionable home. The same goes for you. Take care of yourself and be sure to nurture your mind, body and spirit. If you’re tired and worn down you won’t have any desire to be fashionable and chic. Take care of you and your home and the rest will follow. Don’t worry about always needing to have everything look perfect, but do what’s necessary to maintain and still have time for you.
Your home is your sanctuary and the same goes for your body being your own sanctuary. They both need attention and upkeep. Use these tips to make you and your home more fashionable and chic quickly and efficiently. Remember to be patient with yourself and have fun doing it.